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Ivan Misner & Michele Donovan

The 29 percent solution

Networking is crucial for business growth, offering benefits like enhanced word-of-mouth marketing and market expansion. Despite only 29 percent of businesses networking effectively, those who do can better serve existing clients and attract new ones. To leverage networking, dedicate time weekly to learn and apply new strategies. Over a year, this commitment can significantly improve your networking skills, leading to new revenue opportunities. Remember, networking is an active process that requires strategic engagement, not just social interaction. By following a 52-week plan, you can master the art of business networking and strategically expand your business.

The 29 percent solution
The 29 percent solution

book.chapter Shape your destiny

To effectively tailor your networking strategies, it's essential to align them with your authentic self rather than an idealized version. Start by setting clear, unambiguous goals for the year, such as the amount of new business you aim to generate, the number of monthly referrals, and the networking events you plan to attend. Consider what changes you need to implement to achieve these goals. Commit to a weekly networking schedule, dedicating at least eight hours, or up to twenty if you're in sales, to actively pursue referrals. Identify your preferred clients by creating a detailed profile, including their location, industry, and distinguishing characteristics. With this clarity, assemble a personalized marketing team that regularly interacts with your target demographic, trusts you, and holds influence. Your team should be diverse, including evangelists for your product, respected business owners, skilled individuals, and influencers. Remember, successful networking is based on giving first. Actively generate referrals for your network to establish strong, reciprocal relationships. Carry your team's business cards and distribute them in various settings. Recommend your network to your clients, offering to connect them with your trusted team members. To manage your growing network, maintain a database tracking referrals, interactions, and the needs of those who have supported your business growth. This will help you stay organized and responsive. Finally, reflect on the traits of master networkers, such as prompt follow-up on referrals, a positive and contagious attitude, trustworthiness, excellent listening skills, constant networking, expressing gratitude, being helpful, sincere, and dedicated to nurturing your network. Strive to improve these qualities within yourself to become a more effective networker.

