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Hollis Norton

How to make it when youre cash poor

anyone can achieve financial independence in 5 years or less by investing in real estate. It requires hard work, creativity, and the ability to think differently, but the rewards are worth it. To get started, write down financial goals, commit time each week, involve your spouse, make offers regularly, visualize success, take seminars, read relevant books/magazines, and join real estate associations. The only obstacle is yourself, so treat problems as opportunities and take action.

How to make it when youre cash poor
How to make it when youre cash poor

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Becoming financially independent through real estate investing within 5 years requires effort, not laziness. You must study, work hard, and dedicate free time. However, the technique does not involve magic or mystery. It simply requires borrowing money to buy properties that will appreciate in value over time while covering debt obligations. To build wealth differently than the herd, you must blaze new trails with resourcefulness and creativity instead of mindless plodding. Although rewarding, it demands clear thinking and decisive action. Once you understand wealth creation, you never lose the ability. Safety is a state of mind and knowing how to achieve goals no matter the conditions, not material things. Your biggest obstacle is inertia. Desire for happiness and freedom will make you stop making excuses and start working. A real estate program can run part-time if desired - 5 to 10 hours per week. Since no one else cares about your finances, take control to ensure income in old age when unable to work by building wealth now.

