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Harvey Mackay

The mackay mba of selling in the real world

Successful salespeople share common traits like charisma to build connections, persistence to overcome objections, passion for what they sell, and listening skills to understand customer needs. They balance empathy, to relate to buyers, with ego drive that motivates them to make the sale. Positivity, adaptability, and problem-solving allow them to adjust their approach. Great salespeople keep learning to improve their product knowledge and better serve customers. With experience over time, they develop skills like crafting an elevator pitch that captures interest. Ultimately, excellent salespeople do what they love with integrity and imagination, thriving on exceeding expectations. As Harvey Mackay says, they have the "hunger" to keep fighting no matter the obstacles.

The mackay mba of selling in the real world
The mackay mba of selling in the real world

book.chapter Your integrity

Integrity and ethics are crucial for a successful career. The world may not guarantee success, but taking charge of your career path is essential. Set daily objectives to enhance your competitive edge and value. Embrace a mindset of learning new things every day, and you will likely succeed. Have the unwavering confidence of a child, who dreams without fear or limitations. Reconnect with that fearless mindset. History is filled with individuals achieving what was once deemed impossible. With belief in yourself, anything is achievable. Everyone has a unique set of personality traits. Use these to your advantage in sales and collaborations. Establish loyalty through mutually beneficial relationships, choose partnerships wisely, keep things simple for adaptability, reward the outcomes you desire, engage in honest communication, and lead by example. Seek a mentor who is a model of success in your field. Learn from them with the goal of eventually surpassing their achievements. Comparing yourself to those you admire is an excellent way to gauge your progress. Mastering a skill requires 10,000 hours of practice. Concentrate on learning rather than the timeframe. Demonstrate your eagerness to learn, and opportunities will come your way. Recognize your talents, hone them through practice, and apply them to achieve your goals. Preparation is the secret to success. Consider the top sales professionals in your organization as your teachers. Learn everything you can from their best practices to advance your own career. Approach every day as an opportunity for success, even in the face of setbacks. Start each day by convincing yourself of its potential. Use feedback from unsuccessful attempts to improve for the next time. Progress is achieved through continuous improvement. Dress and conduct yourself professionally to make a strong impression. Seize every opportunity to showcase your ambition. In sales, potential clients will research you online. Create an impressive digital profile by highlighting your network, being transparent about your job search, showcasing resilience, emphasizing teamwork, and demonstrating your social media sales skills. Keep your resume updated and ready. Focus on demonstrating your network's strength, being honest about job changes, showing resilience, avoiding exaggerations, and highlighting your social media expertise. Adapt modern sales techniques to stay relevant. Let others praise your achievements while remaining humble and true to your values. Strive for self-improvement daily. Customer focus is key to leadership in today's organizations. Improve your skills in customer satisfaction, loyalty, referrals, and engagement to potentially rise to a Chief Customer Officer position. Rediscover the boundless enthusiasm of childhood by being curious, believing in your potential, and trusting others. Ask questions and remember that success is a journey, not a destination. Keep striving without resting on your laurels. Taking risks often leads to success.

