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Guy Kawasaki

Selling the dream

Evangelism in sales harnesses intense passion and a zeal akin to religious fervor, transforming the act of selling into a mission to convert others to believe deeply in a product or service. This approach elevates a product from a mere item for consumption to a cause that unites a community. By adopting evangelism, the sales process transcends traditional demonstrations, becoming a journey of conversion where others are inspired to share your enthusiasm. This methodology has propelled products like the Apple Macintosh to monumental success, demonstrating its effectiveness in creating not just customers, but believers.

Selling the dream
Selling the dream

book.chapter Understanding evangelism

Evangelism, in the context of business and marketing, refers to passionately advocating for a company, product, service, or idea. The goal is to inspire others to believe as fervently as oneself. This concept goes beyond promoting a product; it aims to transform a vision into a self-sustaining movement. Effective evangelism is crucial for the success of any venture, as consumers are discerning and not easily swayed by mere advertisements. In today's era of social awareness and consumer empowerment, the authenticity of word-of-mouth endorsements is increasingly influential. These endorsements must be genuinely earned rather than purchased. At the heart of evangelism lies a cause, a deeply held conviction in an idea, product, company, or concept that is both compelling and inspiring. A cause is driven by a vision that has the potential to revolutionize the world, even if it hasn't gained widespread recognition yet. Such causes ignite a fervor in people, driving them to dedicate time and effort without a primary concern for personal gain. The most potent causes have a significant impact, either broadly affecting society or deeply influencing a specific group. They inspire selfless action, devoid of the typical self-serving question, "What's in it for me?" Moreover, they elicit strong emotional responses, creating a dichotomy of ardent supporters and vehement detractors, leaving no room for ambivalence. Several commercial endeavors have successfully harnessed the power of evangelism. The Body Shop, established by Anita Roddick in 1976, has grown into a multimillion-dollar enterprise by challenging the beauty industry's norms and advocating for environmental responsibility, fair trade, and consumer education. Similarly, the Apple Macintosh Computer overcame formidable competition from IBM thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of its early adopters. MMM Carpet aided in locating missing children by featuring their photographs on sales flyers, resulting in the successful recovery of numerous children within the first year of this initiative. SeniorNet empowers senior citizens by providing them with computer training, fostering a sense of purpose and contribution to society. Harvey Mackay's book, "Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive," became a bestseller by transforming the book into a cause, with Mackay personally engaging with the sales and distribution teams to maximize its reach. The construction of an evangelistic crusade rests on four pillars. A leader embodies the cause's vision and inspires others through their belief, understanding, and exemplary conduct. Angels provide resources and guidance, motivated by the vision rather than financial returns. Evangelists are the early adopters who dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to the cause, often at personal sacrifice. Finally, having an adversary can sharpen the focus of a cause, providing a tangible target for efforts and a measure of progress. While tactical enemies can be overcome, conceptual adversaries often represent more significant, long-term challenges. In conclusion, evangelism is not just about selling a product or service; it is about championing a cause with such conviction that it resonates deeply with others. It involves leading by example, fostering a community of like-minded individuals, and ultimately making a meaningful impact on the world. Understanding what is right, pursuing one's full potential, believing in the unseen, and engaging in principled battles are all integral to the spirit of true evangelism.

