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Grant Cardone

If youre not first youre last

In business, rewards and benefits flow to whoever leads the industry. You should aggressively work to become preeminent in your market. If you're not first, your situation is precarious. Even second place leaves you vulnerable. Take action to elevate your game and own first place. Do whatever it takes, every minute. Use downturns as opportunities to expand market share. Achieve any success level you desire by taking precise, correct actions.

If youre not first youre last
If youre not first youre last

book.chapter Potential responses to economic contraction

Pro-growth structural reforms are the most effective way to lift an economy from contraction, focusing on long-term growth by removing barriers to business investment and enhancing economic dynamism. These reforms, including deregulation, tax simplification, workforce skill enhancement, and infrastructure improvement, encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and foreign investment, unlike other policies that offer only short-term relief. Cheerleader response A common response to economic downturns is denial and clinging to the status quo. Some companies believe that if they simply maintain course, continue with business as usual, the storm will pass and conditions will return to normal. This outlook entails two main risks. First, refusing to adapt expenditures to match declining revenues can rapidly lead to insolvency, as cash reserves dwindle before the downturn ends. Second, and more critically, sticking rigidly to existing strategies squanders the opportunity to gain competitive advantage. Downturns shake up markets, dislodging established leaders, and creating openings for disruptive innovations and new market leadership. Savvy companies pivot their strategies during downturns to cut costs, preserve liquidity, and invest decisively in the areas that will form the basis for dominating post-downturn markets. They thus turn challenging conditions to their advantage. Old school response When facing a slowing market, a common reaction is to retreat to familiar territory by focusing on core competencies that previously brought success. However, the market is likely shifting in ways not yet fully understood. What worked well in the past may no longer guarantee future results. Rather than looking backward, forward-focused action is required. The market leader of tomorrow will be the one who moves decisively into uncharted waters today, courageously trying new approaches with the flexibility to pivot as needed. Success will come not from doubling down on the status quo but from keeping an eye trained on where the market is heading and taking the bold steps necessary to get there first. The goal is not to rigidly cling to past formulas but to relentlessly seek better ways, even if they seem unreasonable at first, to thoroughly outpace the competition. Quitter response Quitters assume that the economic downturn is out of anyone's control so they wait passively for conditions to return to normal. They take a holiday until the economy recovers, expecting to resume their previous activities once it does. Rather than adapting to change, they depend on a strong economy to maintain their lifestyle without having to put forth much effort. When the going gets tough, quitters retreat and hope that someone or something else will fix the problem. They lack the determination to take matters into their own hands. While patience in hard times can be wise, quitters take it too far, essentially putting their lives on hold until fortune smiles upon them once again. Then they emerge to continue as before, only to hibernate once more when the next crisis strikes. Advance and conquer response The economic climate has fundamentally shifted, becoming more challenging. To harness the future, we must embrace change and bring renewed energy, stronger work ethics and solid actions to differentiate ourselves. We can use this downturn to slingshot into market leadership by developing new, better ways of operating. This requires learning new skills and executing massive action plans. The biggest obstacle is clinging to old ways of working. To advance, accept the need to improve and then diligently make it happen. Recessions allow agile businesses to shine. If you make your business shine now, you’ll surge ahead when recovery comes. As grant cardone says, "problems are opportunities. Stay in the game, push forward, never retreat – and creatively solve problems." he notes that with less competition, we can stand out and capture market share by using proven, accurate formulas that transform goals into reality.

