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Gay Hendricks

Conscious luck

Believing in the power of luck, I've become one of the most fortunate individuals I know. This wasn't always my reality; there was a period when luck seemed to evade me. However, I chose to embrace luck, a decision I now extend to you. From that pivotal moment, my life improved significantly and has continued on an upward trajectory. I wish for you to undergo a similar transformation, experiencing the continuous betterment that comes with choosing to be lucky. – Gay Hendricks

Conscious luck
Conscious luck

book.chapter Commit to being a very lucky person

The concept of consciously changing your luck is deeply intertwined with the power of personal commitments and the mindset one adopts. It all starts with a pledge, a commitment to oneself, meticulously written down and repeated to embed it deeply into one's consciousness. This pledge isn't just a set of words; it's a powerful tool that mirrors the commitments made in the past, both consciously and unconsciously, which have sculpted the current state of one's life. Thus, by choosing a different set of commitments, one has the power to steer their life in a new, desired direction. After making these new commitments, it becomes beneficial to share them. Telling someone you trust about your commitment to becoming luckier can significantly change the game. The act of making your commitment public acts as a statement of intent, a declaration that sets the stage for you to work towards fulfilling it. This commitment to changing your luck isn't a burden but rather an exciting and inspirational journey. It embodies a self-fulfilling prophecy, where your belief in your luck has the power to create a reality that mirrors that belief. Embracing this conscious decision to change your luck is a valuable asset that can bring abundance into all aspects of your life. It's about recognizing the power within to influence the trajectory of your life through the commitments you make and the mindset you adopt. By doing so, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities, where luck is not just a chance occurrence but a reflection of your beliefs and actions.

