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Gavin Kennedy

Everything is negotiable

Assuming everything is negotiable until proven otherwise can lead to surprising opportunities for advantageous deals, even in unexpected domains. If you consider something non-negotiable simply because the other party hasn't shown a willingness to negotiate, you may miss out on significant opportunities to improve deals for yourself, your company, or your suppliers. Negotiation is the art of structuring a business transaction to maximize benefits for all parties involved. There's always a better deal out there; make it a habit to seek these opportunities, and your business endeavors will thrive.

Everything is negotiable
Everything is negotiable

book.chapter Avoid immediate agreement

Accepting a negotiator's first offer can be harmful as it may leave them wondering if they could have gotten a better deal, undermining their confidence. Negotiation is expected, and bypassing it can make the other party feel shortchanged. To counter immediate acceptance, sellers can use add-ons, adjusting the offer based on the client's acceptance or resistance. This strategy ensures both parties engage in negotiation, potentially leading to better deals for both. Engaging in negotiation rather than accepting the first offer can lead to significant bargains, benefiting both parties by fostering a sense of achievement and fairness in the transaction process.

