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Gary Vaynerchuk

Crush it

Building a career around your passion has become increasingly feasible due to the proliferation of the internet and the accessibility of social media tools. The cost of creating an online community around any niche topic has significantly decreased, making even the most obscure subjects potential magnets for advertising revenue as billions of dollars in advertising shift online. The key to success in today's business landscape, as Gary Vaynerchuk suggests, is to prioritize love for your family, hard work, and passion. It's about telling your authentic story with hustle and patience, caring deeply about both major and minor aspects, and valuing legacy over currency. While social media plays a crucial role for now, its importance may diminish over time. However, these principles will remain timeless, regardless of the evolution of business platforms or social phenomena.

Crush it
Crush it

book.chapter Embrace your passion

Embrace your passion and use it to create something extraordinary. The internet has provided the tools to turn your passion into a thriving business, regardless of its size or financial success. The key is to measure your success by your happiness, not by traditional business metrics. The internet is revolutionizing the business world, and while most discussions focus on large corporations, these changes can also be harnessed on a personal level. With passion, hard work, and the use of social networking tools, it's possible to generate wealth. As people increasingly shift their social lives to platforms like YouTube, Flickr, Tumblr, and Twitter, these platforms become more attractive to advertisers. Traditional media outlets are losing viewers and subscribers, but companies still need to advertise their products and services. This shift in advertising expenditure opens up opportunities for individuals to build personal brands using social media networks, essentially providing a service to these companies. As Gary Vaynerchuk puts it, "Advertisers and companies need to spend money to stay alive, so why shouldn’t they spend it on you?" Passion is contagious, and the internet allows you to connect with others who share your passion. As you continue to produce quality content, you'll attract more people. This can work regardless of how niche your passion is. For instance, if you're passionate about worms and discover a type of worm that helps catch more fish, you could create a podcast about it. Soon, you might attract a following of people interested in fishing, leading to advertising opportunities with fishing companies. In the world of social media, there's room for everyone. The costs of building your community are minimal, requiring only time and effort to create high-quality content. As Gary Vaynerchuk says, "Learn to live your passion, and you’ll have all the money you need plus total control over your own destiny. What if you don’t have a hard business instinct? Don’t worry: skills are cheap, passion is priceless." Many people ignore their passions in favor of societal or familial expectations, but it's time to change that. The internet allows you to be true to yourself and make a living from what you love most. The business model is simple to describe but challenging to execute: use the internet to build a community around your passion, attract enough attention to draw in potential advertisers, and start your journey to success.

