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Fred "Chico" Lager

Ben & jerrys: the inside scoop

In 1978, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield opened a quaint ice cream parlor in Vermont, turning their homemade recipes featuring generous chunks into a local sensation. With minimal business acumen, they nonetheless succeeded in capturing the hearts of ice cream lovers, leading to the distribution of their pints in supermarkets. Their rapid ascent transformed them into a beloved national brand. Throughout their expansion, they remained steadfast in their commitment to social causes and community support, embedding this ethos into their brand's core. Faced with the decision to sell or sustain growth, they opted to go public, securing the capital needed to meet increasing demand. Despite the pressures of scaling up, they never wavered from their original spirit of fun and dedication to social principles. By 1994, Ben & Jerry's had emerged as a top contender in the American super premium ice cream market.

Ben & jerrys: the inside scoop
Ben & jerrys: the inside scoop

book.chapter Ben and jerry's early lives and friendship

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield first bonded in seventh grade during a gym class at Merrick Avenue Junior High School. Both struggled with their weight as kids, but their paths diverged after high school. Jerry excelled academically and attended Oberlin College in Ohio on a scholarship, studying pre-med. Ben, on the other hand, attended Colgate University in New York, known for his extracurricular activities. He worked in the campus cafeteria to pay for school but was fired for violating hygiene policy. Ben left Colgate and worked in an ice cream company's freezer before moving to New York City in 1972 for fresh inspiration. Jerry joined him in New York City in 1973 after failing to get into medical school. While Jerry worked as a lab technician, Ben drove a taxi and developed an unusual diet theory. By 1974, Ben moved to Paradox, New York, to teach crafts at a school. When the school closed in 1977, he decided to start his own business. Meanwhile, Jerry moved to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, to live with his girlfriend. After a brief breakup in 1977, Jerry decided to join Ben in business. He packed up and drove north to reunite with his old friend, marking the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey.

