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Evan I. Schwartz


Webonomics explains why some websites succeed and others fail. Success depends on an information-rich site with a viable value proposition for consumers. The best sites offer high self-service capabilities plus incentives to do business in the future using site currencies. Successful sites reward consumers for providing personal information. Webonomics forecasts the most vibrant commercial sites constantly enhance themselves to explore new value for customers as the web evolves. Operating an internet business takes more than technical skills. It requires a new mindset and approach to meeting customer demands. The nine Webonomics principles articulate the criteria for achieving and sustaining success in the internet economy.


book.chapter Focus on visit quality, not quantity

In the digital age, the World Wide Web diverges significantly from traditional broadcast media by prioritizing personalized user experiences over broad audience appeal. Unlike the traditional media's economics of scarcity, the internet thrives on an abundance of information, making user attention the real commodity. To engage and retain visitors, websites must offer more than just information; they need to foster user interactions and build communities around shared interests. This approach not only provides context but also cultivates personal connections that encourage repeat visits. Customization features that allow users to personalize their experience further enhance a site's appeal. The web's interactive nature is ideal for targeting specific niches rather than the mass market. Successful online business models strike a balance between free content to draw traffic and premium subscriptions for specialized services. Whether through subscriptions or advertising, personalization is crucial for converting visitors into paying customers or attractive targets for advertisers. Contrary to the belief that the internet makes traditional media obsolete, both can coexist and benefit from each other. Websites that complement print content with interactive features can create synergies that engage audiences across both platforms. The shift from information scarcity to abundance online changes the metrics of success. The focus is on deepening and enriching the user experience rather than maximizing reach. Building loyalty and community is more critical than ever, emphasizing the need for services that cater to specific interests with personalized, interactive, and community-focused offerings. In this new economy, niche and premium experiences are valued over broad appeal, marking a significant departure from traditional media strategies.

