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Elton B. Sherwin Jr.

The silicon valley way

Seasoned Silicon Valley leaders have crafted a set of evaluative questions to determine the commercial potential of business ideas. This screening tool helps them decide whether to invest time in fleshing out a business plan for their own concept or to proceed with due diligence for potential investments. If a concept doesn't pass this initial test, they can redirect their efforts more productively elsewhere.

The silicon valley way
The silicon valley way

book.chapter Exploring silicon valley

Silicon Valley, located in Northern California, is a powerhouse in the high-technology industry, hosting over 7,500 tech companies. This region is renowned for its significant contributions to the U.S. patent pool, being the nation's top patent generator. It stands as the most prolific export region in the United States and is a major consumer of venture capital, absorbing about one-third of the country's total funding in this area. Despite being less than two decades old, Silicon Valley has emerged as a global leader in technology, driven by a culture that excels in transforming innovative technologies into successful businesses. It has a storied history of developing groundbreaking consumer products and technologies, setting a benchmark for over 40 high-technology centers worldwide that aspire to emulate its success. Silicon Valley is often at the forefront of technology-driven shifts in business and industry, outpacing regions with more extended commercial traditions. It benefits from a skilled pool of business executives and engineers adept at turning research into profitable products. Some companies in the area anticipate that half of their revenues in the coming year will be from products that are currently not on the market. The success formula for Silicon Valley companies involves a rigorous analysis and a strategic approach to market entry, competitor knowledge, product design, customer understanding, marketing, awareness of external factors, and securing necessary funding. This holistic approach underlines the importance of studying how Silicon Valley companies efficiently bring new products to market.

