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Ekaterina Walter & Jessica Gioglio

The power of visual storytelling

To effectively stand out online, it's essential to engage your audience with compelling visuals and graphics. Social media marketing thrives on integrating images, infographics, and videos, which not only attract attention but also encourage people to engage with your content. Visual storytelling boosts brand awareness, fosters customer loyalty, and succinctly communicates your brand's values. Embrace the shift towards visual content to convey your message effectively. As visual storytelling becomes increasingly vital in the digital landscape, now is the time to start using it to your advantage.

The power of visual storytelling
The power of visual storytelling

book.chapter Visual storytelling emergence

The timeless saying that "a picture is worth a thousand words" has evolved significantly in the digital age. Nowadays, captivating visuals and graphics have the power to draw the attention of millions, thanks to the proliferation of visual-centric social media platforms. Visual storytelling has emerged as a predominant method for marketing virtually anything. Children grasp this concept instinctively during "show-and-tell" activities at school, where they present an object and discuss it. This preference for visual aids paired with narrative doesn't fade as we grow older; it remains a powerful tool to make presentations memorable. By pairing compelling visuals with an engaging story, your message is more likely to leave a lasting impression. Marketing guru Seth Godin encapsulates this idea, stating that marketing is about creating products and services that inspire your community to share stories that propagate. Major social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram are designed to facilitate the easy posting of images, videos, infographics, and other visual content. However, simply uploading a multitude of images is not enough to truly engage an audience. It's essential to craft bite-sized, captivating narratives that connect these images into a cohesive and engaging story. When Facebook first appeared in 2004, it was primarily a text-based directory. The introduction of the News Feed in 2006, which allowed users to share a personalized stream of information, marked a shift towards a more visual experience, especially as users showed a preference for photo inclusion. Today, Facebook encourages the use of images, videos, and interactive content to tell stories, with data showing that posts with images significantly outperform text-only posts. The majority of interactions on Facebook occur in the visually driven News Feed. The rise of social media platforms post-Facebook, such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, SlideShare, and Vine, has continued this trend. These platforms provide excellent tools for integrating stunning visuals with captivating stories, a development that aligns with the fact that many users access social media via mobile devices equipped with cameras, making it easier than ever to create and share images on the go. So, what makes images so compelling? Research suggests that people are more inclined to believe what they see rather than what they are told. Processing images is faster and more intuitive for humans than reading and interpreting text. This might explain why drawings have existed for over 30,000 years, while written language has only been around for the last 7,000 years. Images can convey emotions, feelings, and moods more effectively than words, and humans are hardwired to respond more strongly to visual stimuli. It's estimated that 93% of communication is nonverbal. Advertisers have discovered that images have a greater impact on consumers than information alone, with 67% of consumers globally being more influenced by visuals. Images, such as logos, can symbolize complex ideas and concepts more effectively than words. Major companies invest heavily in their visual identity; for instance, Pepsi and Coca-Cola spent over $1 billion each on their images in 2001. Symbols and images tap into a shared cultural consciousness, offering a succinct way to connect with a rich historical narrative. Studies have shown that 40% of people are more responsive to visual information than plain text, and images are remembered more easily than facts and details. Dan Roam, an author, emphasizes the significance of visuals in cutting through the noise of our world. The most straightforward way to stand out is to use visuals to convey messages. With the advent of technology that allows us to easily share images across networks like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and Instagram, it's no wonder billions of images are shared on these platforms. This trend aligns with our innate desire to share visual stories, now made possible with the right technology. According to Roam, this is the most significant trend in marketing and communication today.

