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Edward Lawler III & Christopher Worley

Built to change

Historically, the goal was to create enduring companies designed to last indefinitely. However, the current dynamic business environment places a premium on adaptability, allowing firms to seize fleeting competitive edges and pivot when necessary. Traditional corporate structures, with their checks and balances, are inherently resistant to change, favoring the status quo. To foster an organization that thrives on change, a radical shift is needed. This includes developing a new organizational framework, implementing strategies that embrace change, and finding practical methods to transition from a change-resistant to a change-embracing culture.

Built to change
Built to change

book.chapter 1-revolutionary organizational model for rapid and repeated change

To foster rapid and recurrent change, an organization must be structured differently, necessitating an integrated approach where all components work in harmony. The proposed model for a change-friendly organization deviates from traditional bureaucratic organizations, which prioritize stability over change. This new structure embodies a different philosophy, with key elements including the corporate identity at its core, comprising the organization's values, behaviors, and beliefs. This identity is crucial to an organization's capacity and readiness to change, as it shapes employees' thoughts, values, and actions. When organizations change, they must stay true to their identity; otherwise, any changes outside of this identity will be resisted by internal stakeholders. The new structure also includes environmental scenarios, which outline potential future business conditions and the organization's responses to these varying market conditions. Change-friendly organizations strive to anticipate future changes and plan their responses accordingly, enabling them to act swiftly when early warning signs appear, rather than getting mired in analysis. Another key process is strategizing, which involves deciding how the company's offerings will remain relevant to customer needs, selecting target markets, and determining competitive strategies within those markets. This strategy should address both current and future organizational demands. Change-friendly organizations continuously scrutinize the business environment and strategize to stay ahead of their competition

