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Edward de Bono

Six action shoes

The Six Action Shoes framework is a strategic tool designed to guide decision-making by associating different action styles with various shoe types and colors. It helps to cut through the ambiguity and confusion that often accompany life and business scenarios. By categorizing situations and aligning them with the appropriate action mode, this framework simplifies the decision-making process. Mastery of the six distinct action modes enables individuals to customize their responses to fit the specific demands of each unique situation.

Six action shoes
Six action shoes

book.chapter Opening remarks

The Six Thinking Hats framework, introduced in 1983 through the eponymous book, presents a structured method for enhancing creative thinking. This approach involves envisioning six distinct hats, each symbolizing a unique mode of thought or mental role-playing. The white hat, embodying neutrality, prompts an individual to adopt an objective stance, meticulously examining the available information prior to taking any action. The red hat, exuding warmth and passion, allows emotions, feelings, or gut instincts to take the forefront. When donning the black hat, one assumes a logical and stern approach, akin to the seriousness associated with law and justice. The yellow hat, reminiscent of sunshine and positivity, encourages an optimistic viewpoint, focusing on the potential benefits and maintaining a positive mindset. The green hat, suggestive of new growth, is the emblem of creativity, fostering the generation of fresh, untested ideas. Lastly, the blue hat, representing the vastness of the sky, signifies a cool, detached oversight of the thought process, essentially governing the direction of thinking. The myriad advantages of employing the Six Thinking Hats are evident. By distinctly separating these modes, the framework prevents the confusion that arises from a confluence of different thought processes. It also facilitates the disassociation of one's ego from their performance, thereby promoting a more objective evaluation of ideas. The Six Thinking Hats are particularly conducive to fostering constructive and collaborative thinking among groups. The true power of this framework is unleashed when individuals sequentially swap hats, scrutinizing a subject from multiple angles. This not only clarifies thinking but also enhances the decision-making process. Following the Six Thinking Hats, the Six Pairs of Action Shoes serve as a continuation of the framework, translating creative thinking into tangible actions. The Six Pairs of Action Shoes concept is a pragmatic and effective framework designed to guide decision-making and determine the most suitable course of action in any given scenario. Each pair of shoes, distinct in color and style, corresponds to a specific type of action that aligns with the demands of the situation at hand. Unlike the Six Thinking Hats, which are analytical in nature, the action shoes are geared towards execution and implementation. Thinking is merely one aspect of problem-solving; action is the other critical component. The shoe metaphor implies movement and progress, with the varied shoe types and colors representing different approaches to action that should be dictated by the circumstances at hand. This focus on diverse action styles enables a two-pronged approach to addressing situations. Firstly, one must discern the kind of action necessitated by the circumstances. Subsequently, one mentally 'slips on' the appropriate style of action shoes and proceeds accordingly. In any context, the essence or the overarching sentiment of all the involved factors is the pivotal element, typically honed through experience and perception. The mind is predisposed to recognizing what it anticipates, often overlooking unexpected elements. Experience conditions the mind to interpret events based on familiar patterns. The Six Shoe Action System empowers individuals to accurately identify situations and respond effectively. The fact that shoes inherently come in pairs allows for a combination of action types, offering a multitude of mix-and-match possibilities to tailor the response to the situation, thereby enhancing the framework's versatility. Beyond the color coding, each shoe is also characterized by a distinctive shape, providing further insight into the nature of the action required. The six styles of action shoes encompass navy formal shoes, grey sneakers, brown brogues, orange gumboots, pink slippers, and purple riding boots. Each type of footwear signifies a specific style of action, just as the Six Thinking Hats represent distinct thinking styles.

