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Edward de Bono


Simplicity will become a crucial business value. Most consumer products are now overly complex, with estimates suggesting only 10% of users engage with more than 10% of their features, such as video recorders. This complexity issue extends across various consumer goods and processes. In the future, value addition will not be limited to those innovating new technologies or processes but will also include businesses that can streamline and simplify existing ones. This will require dedicated and creative thinking.


book.chapter Embracing simple values

Simplicity stands as a cornerstone in the realm of business objectives for several compelling reasons. It not only conserves time, money, and energy but also embodies elegance and power, making life significantly easier and granting more freedom. The challenge with complex systems in business is the inevitable emergence of inefficiencies. These inefficiencies arise as individuals expend their time, attention, and mental energy on navigating the system's complexities. In contrast, experts in any field have the knack for streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency by pinpointing essential factors and sidelining the non-critical ones. This ability to focus on what truly matters adds value by eliminating unnecessary distractions. However, the natural tendency for systems is to grow more complex over time, not simpler. This complexity often results from the addition of new features without a comprehensive redesign to integrate them efficiently. Moreover, those accustomed to the old system may lose objectivity, mistaking familiarity for simplicity. Additionally, the lack of mechanisms to remove obsolete features means systems can only expand, not contract. Simplifying design, therefore, is crucial for making systems more user-friendly, easier to monitor, and simpler to repair, leading to greater efficiency and practicality. It's important to note that simplicity is relative and depends on one's perspective. What seems straightforward to the user might be complex for the technician tasked with repairs. This relativity underscores the importance of considering different viewpoints when striving for simplicity. Edward deBono emphasizes that complexity is a needless drain on resources and that there's always merit in seeking simpler solutions, echoing the sentiment that simplicity, especially in science and art, holds an aesthetic appeal and is often more useful than complex descriptions.

