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Dr. Jason Selk, Tom Bartow & Michael Rudy

Organize tomorrow today

The essence of achieving more in both professional and personal spheres lies in the principle of doing less, attributed to the concept of "channel capacity" which limits our focus to a maximum of three tasks simultaneously. A common error in both business and life is the attempt to overhaul too many aspects swiftly, often leading to early burnout and abandonment of goals. The strategy for improvement hinges on concentrating on one significant change at a time, thereby facilitating genuine progress. By selecting the top three productive habits out of eight, narrowing down to one critical habit, and dedicating effort to master it before moving to the next, success is achieved one step at a time.

Organize tomorrow today
Organize tomorrow today

book.chapter Plan tomorrow today

The concept of organizing tomorrow today is centered around daily priorities and benchmarks, which are crucial for clarity of thought, confidence, organization, success, and a sense of purpose. By identifying your three most important tasks for the next day, you can focus on what truly matters and avoid feeling overwhelmed. This strategy is particularly effective when you select one "Must-Do" activity for the day, ensuring that you tackle the most critical task first. Planning your priorities for tomorrow during the day, rather than at the end of your workday, is recommended. This is because urgent matters often arise towards the end of the day, pushing your priority planning aside. Many people find that planning their next day's priorities between lunch and 3 p.m. works best. When planning, it's essential to focus on the most important tasks without drilling too deep. You're not trying to create an exhaustive to-do list, but rather prioritize what needs to be accomplished. Highly successful individuals prioritize their most important tasks and strive to complete them early in the day, allowing them to handle other necessary tasks as they arise. This approach to prioritizing is a tool used by high-level mathematicians and successful writers to push their work forward. By reviewing their work before bed, they allow their subconscious mind to work on it while they sleep, often waking up with fresh ideas and inspiration. Organizing tomorrow today not only hones your prioritizing skills but also differentiates between being productive and being busy. Busy people may not accomplish much, while productive people get things done. Prioritizing is what makes the most significant difference in productivity.

