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Don Maruska

How great decisions get made

Decision-making is often hindered by fear, stifling creativity and delaying problem-solving. Conversely, hope fosters collaboration and effective teamwork, shifting focus from indecision to achieving collective goals. Creating an environment conducive to great decisions involves structured, transparent decision-making processes. A ten-step method, refined by top companies, guides this process. Additionally, six strategies help navigate and eliminate obstacles to implementing these decisions. Envision a team united by the belief in collective capability, persistently seeking solutions that benefit all. Such a team can tackle challenges and excel. Don Maruska highlights the transformative power of hope in decision-making, likening the ten-step process to a reliable aircraft, guiding teams to success and beyond.

How great decisions get made
How great decisions get made

book.chapter The comprehensive guide to effective decision-making

Engage all in decisions Involving everyone in decision-making can enhance the process by tapping into a diverse pool of ideas, including those from front-line workers who know the issues intimately. Trusting and valuing everyone's input, ensuring broad acceptance of solutions, and keeping absentees informed are crucial for success. Inclusivity builds trust and strong future relationships. To adopt this approach, organize a meeting on a key workplace issue, inviting all stakeholders, those with relevant knowledge, and individuals with unique perspectives. Encourage ownership and evaluate ideas on their merit during the meeting. This inclusive strategy, as highlighted by don maruska, avoids creating adversaries, fosters trust, boosts confidence, and prevents power struggles, leading to cooperative and constructive collaboration. Identify shared goals To foster a collaborative problem-solving environment, it's essential to start by having everyone articulate their goals and the importance of the effort. This sets a positive tone and focuses on solutions rather than personal interests. Injecting enthusiasm, participants discuss how the solution benefits each group, revealing expectations and hinting at necessary compromises. Success depends on using collective goals to challenge preconceptions, building unity through shared success aspirations, uncovering new solutions by understanding personal significance, and fostering trust by focusing on common outcomes. Encouraging a positive view of problems as opportunities and valuing existing assets builds a hopeful foundation. In practice, participants write down their aspirations, share with unlikely partners to find common themes, and support group-wide hopes, fostering empathy. Open-ended discussions often yield surprising results, and documenting shared aspirations guides future steps and tracks progress. Tackle root issues To effectively tackle problems, it's essential to first thoroughly understand the actual issue at hand. Many people hastily seek solutions without accurately identifying the core problem, which often leads to dissatisfaction, even with high-quality solutions. Effective strategies include exploring the reasons behind people's statements, paying attention to both their emotions and the content of their statements, and reflecting back to ensure accurate understanding. Using visual aids like diagrams can also help clarify thoughts. It's important to listen patiently until the real issue becomes clear. In discussions, encourage sharing of feelings, use "i" statements to avoid judgment, and summarize previous points to ensure active listening. Regularly check if you're reflecting others' thoughts correctly and strive to pinpoint the key issue that needs resolution. Acting as a mirror to reflect understanding rather than a sponge that absorbs without verification can prevent miscommunication and facilitate the discovery of the real issue that requires immediate attention. Explore every option Enhancing decision-making involves generating a wide array of options and considering them carefully before making a choice. A practical approach is to write down each potential solution and display them visually, such as on a wall, to facilitate grouping and further exploration. This method encourages additional dialogue and adds a physical dimension to the decision-making process. Success hinges on maintaining an open mindset, avoiding bias, and using various stimuli like diagrams, role-playing, or site visits to spark new ideas. It's crucial to invite contributions from all team members, withhold critique initially, and focus on gathering a diverse set of possibilities. Creatively engaging with these options and balancing intuition with rational analysis can lead to innovative solutions. The process concludes by selecting a shortlist of promising ideas for further evaluation, always considering the current situation for comparison. This strategy underscores that having many ideas is key to thinking outside the box and identifying the most beneficial solutions. Assess options thoroughly To make informed decisions, it's crucial to align the data gathering process with the collective goals and aspirations of the group. This approach encourages collaboration, setting aside adversarial roles, such as disputes between finance and marketing over budgets, to focus on the primary objective of finding a successful solution. By using collective dreams as a filter, irrelevant data is eliminated, and biases are minimized during information presentation. Promoting shared experiences in fact-finding fosters mutual understanding and credibility in decision-making. Organizing thoughts through simple charts on how options align with goals, avoiding favoritism, and encouraging interdisciplinary teamwork enhances innovative thinking and learning. Looking to past experiences of others with similar goals can prevent repeating mistakes. Gathering sufficient information for a preliminary decision without becoming overwhelmed keeps the process focused and engaging. Open discussion on impacts To circumvent unnecessary debates and focus on tasks, it's beneficial for participants to express one advantage and one disadvantage for each option, fostering a balanced view and saving time and energy. This approach requires a structured format to ensure participation and openness to discussing all aspects of options, including criticisms and merits. By starting with common goals and assessing the current situation, the group can compare alternatives effectively. Discussing negatives before positives helps in evaluating options more realistically. Encouraging everyone to listen without debate aims at learning and understanding rather than winning. After considering all options, new, innovative ideas often emerge, combining the best features of several alternatives. This method enhances decision-making by promoting open discussions and considering all perspectives. Initial reactions from everyone To ensure commitment and avoid the pitfalls of assuming silence means agreement, it's vital to create an environment where everyone can openly share their views. Encourage the expression of opinions and consider anonymous voting to gauge true consensus. Ground your solutions in collective aspirations to maintain focus and accommodate different decision-making styles by allowing time for both quick and reflective thinkers. Documenting options helps clarify and solidify choices, and presenting a preferred option with alternatives prevents feeling cornered. After documenting all options and aligning with shared goals, give time for reflection before individuals privately note their choice, keeping collective aspirations in mind. An anonymous vote can then validate the leading choice and alternatives. This process of documentation and respectful preference expression leads to greater adherence to the agreed-upon action plan. Optimize the preferred solution Choosing the most appealing solution and then enhancing it by incorporating elements from other popular options can create a more robust and universally supported decision. This approach, often overlooked, involves maintaining transparency by openly presenting secret ballot results, thus legitimizing the final decision and encouraging alignment among group members. Identifying and integrating the strengths of acceptable alternatives into the preferred choice is crucial. This process includes presenting ballot results clearly, considering first acceptable alternatives if there's no clear winner, and developing a strong alternative solution that can gain widespread support if necessary. By doing so, leaders become agents of hope, as described by don maruska. They focus on harnessing the positive spirit within their team, guiding their work towards fulfilling the group's deepest desires through action-oriented efforts, rather than being driven by fear or personal agendas. This method not only ensures a more effective solution but also fosters a positive and engaging team environment. Plan b and evaluation measures Before launching into action, crafting a contingency plan is essential for navigating unforeseen challenges. This preemptive measure, coupled with clear success metrics established from the outset, ensures a unified understanding of progress evaluation. Such preparation not only facilitates a seamless shift to alternative strategies if necessary but also fosters a collaborative environment by avoiding divisiveness. Embracing an iterative decision-making process, open to adjustments based on new insights, focuses on achieving meaningful outcomes. Encouraging questioning and continuous reassessment promotes consensus and adaptability. Midway reviews of the plan allow for strategic refinements, embracing change not as a failure but as an informed response to new circumstances. Great decisions galvanize teams, drawing the necessary interest, energy, and resources for success, and pivot from conflict to collaboration by offering adaptable solutions. Celebrate early wins together Celebrating team accomplishments rather than individual achievements can significantly boost a group's determination and enthusiasm for future endeavors. Key strategies for fostering this environment include extra recognition for collective goals, public sharing of success stories, and company-wide celebrations for milestones, focusing on enjoyment rather than expense. Encouraging teams to reflect on how decisions support shared aspirations and linking achievements to these shared values can reinforce a culture of teamwork. Regular review sessions that evaluate progress through fun activities can also enhance this culture. Recognizing teamwork in this way mirrors a growth cycle, where collective decision-making processes lead to shared successes. Emphasizing "we achieved" over "i achieved" nurtures a powerful sense of hope and unity, essential for overcoming challenges and fostering a positive, collaborative work environment.

