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Daymond John

Rise and grind

The myth of a universal secret to success is just that, a myth. True achievers outperform by working smarter and harder, making every second count. Success demands daily dedication; there's no shortcut, only the relentless pursuit of excellence. Through my experiences with the exceptionally successful, I've learned they all share one thing: an unparalleled work ethic. It's about drive, determination, and the relentless daily grind. This is the essence of rising and grinding, a principle I aim to highlight. - Daymond John

Rise and grind
Rise and grind

book.chapter Rise

To pursue your ambitions, it's imperative to rise early and tackle the necessary tasks. There exists a unique kind of enchantment in commencing your work while the rest of the world remains in the embrace of sleep. This early start not only gives you a lead over others but also imbues you with a sense of momentum that persists throughout the day. The actions you plan to undertake are indeed beneficial, yet their significance is nullified unless you awaken and consistently put in the effort day after day. "Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t," remarked Jerry Rice, a professional football player, encapsulating the essence of dedication and foresight in achieving one's goals. It's crucial to set goals and establish structures that facilitate the attainment of significant achievements, but all these preparations are futile unless you rise in the morning and start grinding. Cultivating the habit of waking up early and beginning your pursuit of goals ahead of everyone else around you is vital. While it's commendable to harbor grand aspirations, it's equally important to acknowledge that realizing these grand ambitions necessitates a willingness to endure the rigorous grind involved. Specifically, dreaming big is encouraged, but it's crucial to understand that nothing will materialize unless you're prepared to invest the substantial effort required. "Doesn’t matter what you say you’ll do...doesn’t matter what you mean to do...doesn’t matter what you hope to do...None of that matters until you rise and grind and get to it," Daymond John eloquently stated, emphasizing the importance of action over intention. "The time will never be perfect, so you can only make perfect use of your time," he further advised, highlighting the significance of making the most out of the present moment. "The best way to climb a mountain is to look back at the base instead of ahead to the summit," he suggested, offering a perspective on appreciating the progress made rather than being daunted by the journey ahead. "Think big! There's no other way to think, if you ask me. Anything less than big, what's the point?" he questioned, advocating for the pursuit of substantial goals. Catherine Zeta-Jones, today a celebrated A-list movie star married to Michael Douglas, hails from Swansea, Wales, where she was raised by a father who managed a candy factory and a mother who worked as a seamstress. At the tender age of 15, Catherine Zeta-Jones relocated to London to forge a path in the stage scene, subsequently moving to Los Angeles in her mid-twenties to make her mark in Hollywood. Rather than passively awaiting discovery, Catherine Zeta-Jones established a routine of visiting the gym every morning at 7 am, engaging with her agent over the phone, and then dedicating her time to reading scripts, attending auditions, and so forth. She would conclude her day by catching up on world news, ensuring she was well-informed for conversations with the individuals she encountered. Catherine Zeta-Jones has cultivated the habit of carrying candles with her wherever she travels. She lights them in the morning to transform any temporary accommodation into a personal sanctuary, extinguishes them when she departs for the day, and rekindles them upon her return in the evening. This ritual serves as a means for her to feel at home regardless of her location. Kyle Maynard has captured the public's attention as a mixed martial artist, but he is also renowned as an inspirational speaker. His story is particularly compelling because he was born without arms or legs. Kyle's parents were adamant about treating him as they would any other child, viewing his condition as a unique gift rather than a hindrance. They enforced a strict "Don't quit" rule within their household, which propelled Kyle to secure a position on his high school football team as a nose guard and to take up wrestling. Despite not securing a single victory in his initial year, from his second season onward, he became nearly invincible. He continued his wrestling endeavors in college, where he authored his national bestseller, "No Excuses." Kyle then transitioned to the UFC and embarked on mountain climbing, successfully reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. “It was Bruce Lee who said, ‘I don’t fear the guy who knows a thousand kicks. He said, ‘I fear the guy who’s practiced one kick a thousand times.’ Because when you do something over and over, a thousand times, you’re just beginning. You realize how much you don’t know at that point, and there’s an infinite amount to discover after that,” Kyle Maynard shared, highlighting the value of mastery and continuous learning. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Kyle Maynard, through their distinct journeys, exemplify the essence of dedication, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of one's goals. Their stories serve as a testament to the power of rising early, grinding consistently, and maintaining a focused vision on one's aspirations. Their achievements underscore the importance of not only setting ambitious goals but also committing to the hard work and perseverance required to realize them.

