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David Pottruck & Terry Pearce

Clicks and mortar

Successful internet businesses require passionate, spirited people who care deeply about what they do. Passion has always preceded triumph in business. The most excellent companies foster a culture of passion rooted in individual contribution, teamwork and risk-taking. They have leaders who eagerly serve customers with personal involvement. In passionate organizations, people are driven more by their values and a shared commitment to collective success than promises of future wealth. These dynamic workplaces blend enduring principles with new technology and bring out the best in their people, creating ideal conditions for profitability. More than making money, fulfilling needs builds dedication to a purpose-driven organization. The desire to help others motivates in a deeper and more lasting way than defeating the competition.

Clicks and mortar
Clicks and mortar

book.chapter Section 1 - inspiring culture

In the digital era, the essence of a company's growth is deeply rooted in its corporate culture, which is fueled by passion. The journey to cultivating such a culture involves a meticulously structured three-step process. The initial step is to establish a culture that is anchored in a clear vision and shared values. The culture of an organization forms the foundation upon which its competitive edge is built. This culture is composed of a set of core values that articulate the organization's beliefs, a common language that facilitates the expression of these beliefs, and a series of actions that bring these values to life. These values act as the organization's DNA, providing a framework for constructing its vision and strategic priorities. A well-defined culture serves multiple purposes: it offers stability, aligns the organization towards a unified goal, attracts individuals who share similar values while encouraging others to seek different environments, and ensures that the values are reflected in the customer experience. The task of building a robust and inclusive corporate culture is challenging and requires more than superficial efforts. It is an endeavor that leaves a lasting legacy, as the culture of an organization often outlives the tenure of its leaders. The direct correlation between an organization's culture and the customer experience it delivers is undeniable. Successful organizations are those that manage to create satisfied customers through a culture that prioritizes customer service. In essence, corporate culture is the glue that binds the organization, allowing individuals to express themselves uniquely while being united by a shared vision and values. The second step in fostering a passionate corporate culture involves sustaining it through stories, images, and shared rituals. To articulate your organization's culture, it is essential to document your values and vision statement, disseminate this information throughout the organization, and engage in a dialogue that allows for feedback and contributions. Strengthening the culture requires transforming these values into a common language and actionable steps. Stories about the organization's values connect emotionally with individuals and inspire passion, reinforcing and sustaining the culture. Similarly, images and visual symbols serve as powerful reminders of the corporate culture, encapsulating its essence in a form that is easily recognizable and reinforcing shared values. The development of shared rituals further formalizes the culture, celebrating exemplary performance and setting standards for behavior. Sustaining a culture demands continuous effort and communication to ensure that the organization's values are understood and practiced in the real world. Over time, the cumulative effect of engaging stories, compelling images, and meaningful rituals will solidify the culture and values of the organization. The third and final step is to harness diversity in a manner that fosters commitment. In today's interconnected world, a vibrant corporate culture benefits from diversity rather than being weakened by it. Diversity introduces a range of perspectives, strengthens core values, encourages change, stimulates organizational growth, and offers a broader understanding of the global landscape. Despite its potential benefits, many organizations approach diversity with caution. However, embracing diversity can enhance the organization's ability to connect with a diverse customer base, innovate, and make informed decisions. The Internet, being inherently neutral regarding racial or ethnic biases, emphasizes talent over background, making diversity an even more critical factor in the digital age. Ultimately, leveraging diversity productively not only enriches the corporate culture but also expands the organization's reach and impact. In conclusion, the creation and sustenance of a passionate corporate culture are pivotal to an organization's success in the digital age. This culture, built on a foundation of clear vision and shared values, enriched by diversity, and sustained through stories, images, and rituals, forms the cornerstone of a company's competitive advantage. It is the passion for making a meaningful difference that drives growth and unites employees, leaders, and customers in a shared journey towards success.

