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David Edery & Ethan Mollick

Changing the game

The video game industry is booming, outpacing even Hollywood and the music industry in revenue. It's not just about entertainment anymore; businesses are leveraging games for growth, customer engagement, and employee recruitment. As next-gen games emerge, they're set to drive innovation and harness organizational brainpower. Despite their potential, many companies have yet to tap into the power of games. The future of corporate landscapes could be heavily influenced by games, from sales and recruitment to daily operations. Games are already transforming work and play, offering unique opportunities for businesses, governments, and non-profits to achieve their goals. Are you game? - David Edery and Ethan Mollick.

Changing the game
Changing the game

book.chapter Revolutionize customer interaction

Increasingly, gaming is revolutionizing customer engagement with established businesses. Companies are leveraging games to forge unique and imaginative connections with their clientele. Current strategies include embedding advertisements within games, creating branded games (advergames), and utilizing virtual worlds. These approaches effectively merge the real with the imagined in the consumer's mind, showcasing the growing sophistication of companies in deploying games for brand awareness. The video game sector is relatively nascent, originating from mainframe computer programmers in the 1950s who often developed games covertly. Video games gained popularity as arcade games in the late '70s and '80s, with classics like Pac-Man and Space Invaders appearing in public venues. The rise of arcade games led to home gaming on PCs and consoles, starting with the Atari 2600 and evolving to include major platforms like Microsoft's Xbox, Nintendo's Wii, and Sony's PlayStation. Today, consoles are the industry's focal point, though PC and mobile games remain popular, and new platforms continue to emerge, such as in-flight entertainment systems and advanced set-top boxes. The industry has released over 21,000 commercial games, with countless free online games also available. Game genres range from puzzles and racing to strategy, with development costs for popular titles reaching tens of millions of dollars. The gaming audience is diverse, with a significant portion over 35 and more than half being female. Solitaire, included in Windows, is perhaps the most recognized game, with billions of hours dedicated to it annually. Games can be categorized by casual versus enthusiast and by single-player versus multiplayer dimensions. Casual games are quick to learn and play, while enthusiast games require extensive time investment. Multiplayer games challenge the stereotype of solitary gaming by enabling competition and cooperation, enhancing their appeal. Examples of different game types include Habbo Hotel (casual, multiplayer), World of Warcraft (enthusiast, multiplayer), Grand Theft Auto 3 (enthusiast, single-player), and Solitaire (casual, single-player). Each offers unique experiences, from virtual socialization to immersive role-playing and controversial criminal simulations. Companies use various models to engage customers through gaming, from established methods like in-game ads and product placements to experimental adverworlds and alternate reality games. In-game advertising must be contextually appropriate and memorable, potentially using humor to resonate with players. Advergames, developed solely for branding, can foster two-way communication and go viral if designed well. Adverworlds are immersive brand-centric virtual worlds, often free to enter, that engage users with the brand and generate revenue through virtual or real-world sales and advertising. Successful adverworlds encourage social interaction and link to real-world products or events. Alternate reality games blend fiction with reality across multiple media, offering puzzles and experiences for various skill levels. They can become powerful marketing tools by creating immersive, multimedia experiences that blur the lines between reality and the game world.

