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Darby Checketts


Archimedes' principle of leverage applies even today: every problem has a lever that, when identified and used wisely, can solve the issue. Leverage acts as a multiplier, creating tipping points that amplify the outcomes of your efforts. In business, with the right partners and skills, a clear purpose, a wide viewpoint, and focus on the fulcrum of force, nothing is impossible. Our society's heroes might be the engineers and scientists who innovate, but after all the purchases, there's a hero in each of us. You are the solution. All you need is leverage to elevate your world. - Darby Checketts.


book.chapter Establish Inspiring Objectives

To effectively navigate your future, it is important to set clear goals that will guide your efforts and help you achieve the desired outcome. Establishing goals is crucial for personal leverage and success. A practical approach to goal-setting is to write down 150 lifetime goals, but focus on achieving two or three goals each year. By concentrating on a few goals annually, you can exert all your efforts to succeed in them. Once you accomplish a goal, move on to the next set. Your progress can be measured by the number of goals you achieve. So, dream big and record your aspirations. Let this list of exciting dreams draw you towards a fulfilling future. By adding a blank line after each paragraph, we create clear separation and improve the flow for the reader. This concise text retains all the original information while enhancing readability.

