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Dan Sullivan & Benjamin Hardy

Who not how

Entrepreneurs frequently ask the wrong question when considering a new project: "How do we do this?". The better question is: "Who can do this for us?". Adopting a "Who" mentality opens up more ideas and partnerships. Shifting focus from "How" to "Who" lifts achievement while granting more freedom. It's win-win. Evaluating "Who Not How" when assessing projects or expansion reframes your thinking. Initially, 10X or 100X goals may seem ridiculous. But big visions compel bigger actions through leveraging others' skills. As Dan says, making a better present requires a bigger future. Expanding key metrics 10X forces involving capable "Whos". Alone, 10X becomes impossible. Each "Who" makes the impossible possible, improving time, income, relationships, and purpose. "Who Not How" unlocks exponential growth.

Who not how
Who not how

book.chapter More time

Entrepreneurs often boast about working extremely long hours, wearing it like a badge of honor. They tend to have a strong work ethic, which is admirable, but also have a habit of taking on too many tasks at once. The temptation for entrepreneurs to add yet another “interesting” project to their overflowing plates frequently proves irresistible, even when their current workload already surpasses their available time. The solution lies in shifting focus from fretting over “How” to accomplish everything to determining “Who” can get it done. Rather than persisting as a lone ranger, begin gathering a self-directed team able to drive results. A company comprised of competent members who manage themselves frees the founder to achieve more while working less. When staff take full ownership of realizing an exciting, clearly defined vision in whatever manner works best for them, leaders need not micromanage. The irony is that an entrepreneur’s most imaginative ideas rarely emerge while working in the business. Instead, innovative concepts tend to pop into mind during leisure time at home, commuting, or engaging in recreational activities. By avoiding a hands-on approach, chances increase of stumbling upon refreshing new perspectives. Obsessing over personally handling all aspects of your ventures severely restricts access to resources capable of furthering your goals. With limited assets, potential and options narrow accordingly. Combining forces multiplies capacity exponentially, instantly heightening efficacy. Relationships transform who you are and help transcend present constraints. Connections determine outcomes. Bonds give life meaning. Bringing others onto your team to accomplish aims requires investing time, energy and funds. Once you make that commitment, your dedication to realizing your goals intensifies. With staff on board working toward your vision, you get serious about making it happen. Staying focused and motivated becomes easier with a vested interest in success. The reverse holds true as well. Serving as a “Who” for someone else opens intriguing possibilities. Collaboration and teamwork inherently multiply productivity, occasionally driving businesses in unexpected but profitable directions. The more individuals you empower to achieve their aspirations, the greater your prosperity. There is no limit to the good you can do by elevating people beyond their current circumstances. Procrastination plagues many entrepreneurs, often stemming from excessive workloads. This tendency frequently signals that innate brilliance recognizes assigned tasks would benefit from delegating to more capable hands. Inside, you know better options exist for accomplishing goals than tackling everything alone. Your hesitation directly relates to lacking the right person for the job. Putting off important work inflicts consequences: diminished well-being, guilt, depression, eroded confidence, limited potential, forfeited progress, distrust in abilities. However, sometimes wisdom underlies delaying action. It may indicate that while a project proves enticing, profound doubt exists regarding personally possessing requisite skills for delivering targeted results. The educational system trains minds to obsess over “How.” However, “Who” proves far more constructive. Refocusing efforts on identifying ideal candidates to match endeavors launches fresh energy. When you align superbly skilled and connected people with ambitions, lightning strikes. Tapping into others’ competencies, networks and resources injects fuel into visions. Progress requires periodically pausing to evaluate achievements. Every three months, reflect on accomplishments, areas that encourage confidence, exciting developments on the horizon, potential quick growth opportunities, and promising team additions who could accelerate outcomes over the next ninety days. For instance, tariffs suddenly increased the price of aluminum scrap metal by 25 percent for Paul Heiss’ Chinese manufacturing plants. For years, Heiss knew he should expand to India but lacked time to execute this strategic move. Now devastating financial implications dictated immediate action. Rather than panicking over how to establish Indian factories, Heiss asked who could facilitate that rapidly. Upon contacting the Indian ambassador, he got connected to an industry leader who quickly pinpointed ideal locations and suppliers. Within months, Heiss had multiple Indian plants open offsetting the China tariff impact. Had Heiss focused on handling this alone, progress would have stalled. Instead, he found the perfect Whos to handle execution. They ignored process frustrations and achieved timely results. Visionaries define ambitions, trusting Whos to determine how. Allow experts to leverage competencies toward shared goals without micromanaging. Progress flows faster when you replace control with collaboration. Who creates results; How causes problems. Capable Whos unite when visions prove compelling enough. To accelerate outcomes, engage Whos and avoid unnecessary Hows. Expand goals by retaining Whos equipped to deliver. There is no limit to the good you can do by empowering others generously without seeking credit. Inspiring creations emerge from liberating individuals to express genius. The bolder your visions expand, the more stunning your Whos need to be.

