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China and India are emerging as major economic powers due to their ability to innovate. Innovation includes knowledge new to these countries, not just globally new ideas. Historically, China and India were leaders in global GDP. Now their graduates, R&D spending, and technology licensing are increasing innovation capacity. Multinational R&D facilities in China and India adapt products and develop new ones. China has embraced globalization more than India, benefiting its growth. India still has unexploited potential by improving firm and sector productivity. Differences in development strategies partly explain performance gaps. The US can respond by understanding rapid changes there. Future research should address gaps like indigenous traditions linked to innovation. More studies are needed comparing management of innovation in China and India.


book.chapter The need for continuous innovation

In today's fast-paced global economy, the ability to innovate is not just an advantage; it's a necessity for survival. The traditional approach to business is becoming a pathway to obsolescence. Companies, regardless of size, must continuously introduce innovative products and services to stay relevant. The current economic landscape is characterized by an "exponential economy," where growth is not linear but multiplies with each new innovation. This rapid expansion is fueled by advancements in knowledge-based activities, leveraging advanced communications and computing power to revolutionize long-standing commercial practices. Innovations are building upon the advancements of their predecessors, creating a compounding effect that ripples through the economy, accelerating growth and generating significant progress within just a few cycles. This dynamic is driven by the continuous flow of new ideas and tools, which, when successful, can lead to impressive growth rates. Even small technological and business developments can have a substantial impact when they accumulate over time. The innovation journey is a transition from concept to market, encapsulated in the value proposition. At the outset, the potential value and required investment of a new concept are often unclear. However, once a product or service reaches the market, it can yield profits for those who took the risk. Eventually, products mature and decline, either becoming commoditized or obsolete. While many companies excel at commercializing products, the challenge lies in nurturing new concepts into market-ready innovations. This requires a proactive and disciplined management of the innovation process. The old "build it and they will come" mentality is no longer viable. Relying on technology push is a gamble that often fails. Sustainable innovation comes from understanding and addressing unmet customer and market needs. By integrating market insights into product development, companies can create valuable and successful offerings. Innovation is the engine driving growth, prosperity, and an improved quality of life. As Paul Romer of Stanford University notes, innovation is the primary driver of these outcomes. In the knowledge-based economy, the potential for improvement is boundless. Curtis Carlson and William Wilmot emphasize that innovation is key to prosperity and national wealth. It enhances productivity and competitiveness, and it is through innovation that we can tackle the major challenges of our time, such as poverty, health, and environmental issues. To harness the abundance before us, we must be able to innovate rapidly and effectively.

