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Charles J. Givens

Financial self defense

Earning money doesn't come with a manual, and even those who amass wealth may not grasp effective personal financial management. Financial self-defense is about taking control of your financial future. It's not about earning more, but using what you earn more effectively. This involves identifying and adopting strategies for wealth building and expenditure allocation. A dynamic plan is needed to reach financial goals with minimal sacrifice. Financial self-defense strategies provide a roadmap for creating the desired lifestyle now and ensuring sufficient funds for retirement. True financial freedom isn't about accumulating a set amount of capital, but having enough money to do what you want with pleasure.

Financial self defense
Financial self defense

book.chapter Steering your financial journey

r a lifetime, a significant amount of money passes through a person's hands. For instance, earning $25,000 annually over 40 years totals $1 million. The critical question is not if you can make a million dollars, but how quickly you can make your first million and how much of it you can retain. Most people have greater potential to create wealth by managing their current earnings more effectively than by focusing on earning more. The key to personal wealth lies in how much you keep, not just how much you make. For many, being rich doesn't mean having millions of dollars; it means having enough money to do what you want, whenever you want, without future worries. Achieving this level of richness may be closer than it seems.

