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Charlene Li & Josh Bernoff


The groundswell represents a significant shift in how consumers use online platforms such as MySpace, blogs, and YouTube to communicate and share opinions independently of corporate influence. This surge of user-generated content is overwhelming traditional corporate messaging, with customers discussing brands in uncontrolled ways. The permanence of the groundswell suggests that more tools facilitating consumer interaction will likely develop. Companies must focus on understanding and leveraging the groundswell by prioritizing customer relationships over the technology used for communication. The essence of success in this new environment is to ensure positive interactions with customers, turning the groundswell into an advantage. Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff describe the groundswell as an unstoppable, global movement where people use online tools to connect and fulfill their needs through each other, posing a challenge to established companies and their leaders.


book.chapter Grasping the groundswell

The groundswell signifies a lasting change in consumer behavior regarding purchase decisions. Rather than depending on advertisements and other forms of business-generated data, consumers are now engaging with fellow customers and gaining insights from their experiences. Individuals are establishing online connections and exchanging their views. This shift is transforming the traditional consumer-business relationship, with peer-to-peer interactions playing a pivotal role in shaping buying choices. The groundswell is not a temporary phenomenon but a permanent alteration in the way consumers gather information and make purchasing decisions. User-generated blogs and podcasts Blogs are online platforms where individuals or organizations can share their thoughts and information freely, without editorial oversight. Similarly, podcasts are digital media files available for download or streaming, often in audio format, and like blogs, they are a form of user-generated content. Both are largely unregulated, allowing creators to publish without mandatory disclosure of conflicts of interest, source verification, or copyright permissions. Engaging with blogs and podcasts that mention your company or cover relevant topics is beneficial. Participation can include commenting with transparency about your identity and contributing valuable insights. Creating your own blog or podcast is an effective way to communicate your perspective and interact with your audience. Being receptive to feedback is crucial for content improvement and fostering audience relationships. It can be advantageous for employees to start their own blogs, provided they follow guidelines to prevent sharing confidential information. These guidelines should outline permissible discussion topics, writing style, and media usage. When crafting a blog post, it's essential to consider the audience's interests, focus on a specific idea, and maintain brevity. Organizing content with headers and subheads, although not used here, typically aids in readability. Incorporating images and other media can also captivate readers and enrich the post. Fact-checking and citing sources are critical practices to uphold credibility and integrity. Social platforms and virtual realms Social networking platforms like myspace, facebook, and linkedin have revolutionized the way millions of people connect, with a significant portion of americans engaging with these sites at least monthly. South korea shows a particularly high usage rate, while europe's engagement is comparatively lower. These platforms are not just for personal use; they also offer businesses a unique opportunity to interact with potential customers. By creating a corporate profile, companies can become a part of users' social networks, effectively humanizing their brand and fostering a community around it. In addition to traditional social networks, virtual environments such as second life present innovative ways for businesses to engage with consumers. For example, pontiac has leveraged this platform to offer virtual test drives, and skittles has used weeworld to promote its brand. These immersive experiences can create memorable interactions that enhance brand perception and loyalty. Furthermore, companies should consider the benefits of creating their own internal social networks. This can provide customers with a space to interact with the brand and each other, potentially improving customer service and satisfaction. As charlene li and josh bernoff suggest, embracing the groundswell by starting a blog, incorporating ratings and reviews, or enabling customer-to-customer support can be highly advantageous. By leveraging these social technologies, businesses can deepen customer relationships, increase brand awareness, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Consumer-driven tags and content Tags provide a mechanism for website visitors to categorize online content according to their preferences. Services such as digg or del.Icio.Us enable users to bookmark any website with a custom classification tag. If the user chooses to make their bookmarks public, others can view them and conduct searches for websites with similar tags. While tagging may seem harmless, it presents a challenge as you have no control over how individuals categorize you or your products. Personal value judgments significantly influence the tagging process. For instance, one person might tag your product as "livestock improvement," while another might label it as "animal cruelty." To leverage tags, follow these steps: Firstly, visit del.Icio.Us to understand how people are currently tagging your website and products. Secondly, remember that there's no rule against tagging your content. Establish your del.Icio.Us account and tag your company's site and your competitors' sites with a term you prefer. Apply the same strategy to your blogs and any images you've uploaded to platforms like photobucket or flickr. Lastly, take the initiative to organize the web according to your perspective. Develop a set of tags that encompasses all the websites and online articles you appreciate. Include a note on your website explaining how visitors can access and utilize your tag set. Embrace the tagging movement and exploit it to its fullest potential. Rss channels and digital gadgets Really simple syndication, or rss, is a tool that simplifies the way visitors to your website can stay updated with new content. By setting up an rss feed, you enable users to subscribe and automatically receive notifications of fresh posts through their rss reader. This seamless method of content delivery is surprisingly widespread, with a significant portion of americans using personalized home pages that incorporate rss feeds, often without their knowledge. Widgets complement this landscape as miniature, task-oriented applications that connect to the internet at predetermined times. These can range from a weather widget updating forecasts hourly to a fuel price monitor alerting users to price changes every thirty minutes. Widgets have subtly integrated into the online experience, with many consumers interacting with them, perhaps unknowingly. Incorporating rss and widgets into your digital strategy can be a game-changer. By making your blogs, press releases, and product catalogs accessible via rss, you ensure that your audience never misses an update. Understanding widgets is equally important. They can serve as a direct line to your services, like the ups widget that tracks packages in real-time, or as a promotional tool, such as the discovery channel's shark-themed widget that shares videos and information during shark week. When widgets are designed to be captivating and provide value, they have the potential to become viral, significantly enhancing user engagement and spreading brand awareness. Leveraging these tools effectively can lead to a more dynamic and interactive online presence, fostering a deeper connection with your audience. Open-source wikis Wikis, derived from the hawaiian word for 'fast', allow multiple users to collaboratively create and manage content, with wikipedia being the most notable example. This concept of collaboration extends to open source software, where projects like linux are developed collectively and made freely available, demonstrating significant success. In fact, over 22% of american adults online engage with wikipedia monthly, and open source software powers the majority of web servers. To effectively utilize wikis and open source, it's important to monitor wikipedia pages related to you or your products, as these pages often rank high on search engines. Addressing inaccuracies quickly can protect your reputation. Additionally, transforming your customers into a collaborative community can be beneficial. By treating them as a personal wiki, they can contribute ideas for future product developments, leveraging collective intelligence for innovation. Furthermore, establishing an internal wiki can serve as an invaluable tool for teams. Wikis are particularly suited for document and specification collaboration, offering both a public page for content and a private discussion page. This setup encourages open dialogue and debate, ensuring that all team members can contribute to and refine the project. By embracing these strategies, businesses and individuals can harness the power of collective knowledge and collaboration, fostering a more open and innovative environment. Discussion boards, rankings, and feedback Discussion boards, or forums, are online platforms where people can share their opinions, reviews, and criticisms in a structured conversation format. These threaded discussions create a continuous dialogue, and the internet is filled with a wide variety of such boards. Review and rating websites are even more widespread. A significant portion of the population in countries like the united states and japan participate in forum discussions, while an even larger number check reviews and ratings online. To make the most of these platforms, businesses should consider several strategies. Creating a forum for customers to share their experiences can be highly beneficial. Enthusiastic customers often become advocates, encouraging others through their contributions. Additionally, it's important for businesses to monitor how their products and services are being discussed and reviewed. Engaging in these conversations is key, but transparency is paramount. Businesses should openly identify themselves and their intentions when participating. Covertly joining discussions under the guise of a regular customer can backfire if discovered, potentially leading to significant negative reactions. Furthermore, keeping an eye on websites that aggregate consumer feedback, like buzzillions.Com, can help businesses spot and address potential issues early on. By staying informed and involved in the online discourse surrounding their offerings, companies can improve their products and services, build trust with their audience, and foster a community of loyal customers.

