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Carmine Gallo

The presentation secrets of steve jobs

A Steve Jobs presentation is akin to a well-orchestrated play, meticulously prepared and delivered to inform, entertain, and inspire. Driven by a deep desire to make a significant impact, Jobs's presentations are powered by his passion for his message. This passion is key to nearly replicating Jobs's captivating presence. By transforming this enthusiasm into a compelling narrative, you can engage your audience deeply, making them eager to support your vision. Without sparking your audience's imagination, your ideas risk being overlooked. Emulate Jobs's approach to connect deeply with your audience's hearts and minds.

The presentation secrets of steve jobs
The presentation secrets of steve jobs

book.chapter Crafting the experience

Discussing merely the features and advantages of a product is a common approach that many take. However, to truly captivate and engage your audience, it's essential to weave an intriguing and compelling narrative around your brand. This can be achieved by meticulously planning and formulating your ideas on paper well before you even consider opening your presentation software. It's crucial to address the fundamental question lingering in the minds of your listeners – "Why should this matter to me?" Demonstrating a strong, passionate drive and a clear objective for your presentation is key. Crafting concise, impactful messages that could easily fit within a 140-character limit, akin to a tweet, is an effective strategy. Employing the rule-of-three can serve as a guide for your audience, helping them navigate through your presentation. Identifying a common adversary in your narrative adds a layer of drama and intrigue. Introducing a protagonist who champions a better approach can captivate your audience further. Remember to incorporate breaks or intermissions approximately every ten minutes to keep your audience engaged and attentive. When preparing for a presentation, the last thing you should do is rush to your computer to start creating slides in PowerPoint, Keynote, or any other presentation software. Doing so often results in a bland collection of slides filled with bullet points. Instead, take a moment to step back and use a piece of paper to outline how you plan to incorporate the nine essential elements that constitute an outstanding presentation. Start with a compelling headline that encapsulates the core message you wish to leave with your audience. For instance, when Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone, he proclaimed, "Today, Apple reinvents the phone!" Follow this with a passion statement to convey why this matters to you and should matter to the audience. "I'm thrilled about this because it represents a significant advancement in how people will communicate in the future." Decide on the three main messages you want your audience to remember and share with others. Utilize analogies and metaphors to make your points more persuasive. "To me, a computer is a truly extraordinary device. It's like a bicycle for our minds." Consider including demonstrations, partnering with others for endorsements, showcasing customer testimonials, and using video clips or other visual aids to make your presentation more dynamic and engaging. Steve Jobs famously said, "You've got to start with the customer experience and work back towards the technology – not the other way around." This emphasizes the importance of making a connection with your audience by addressing the "Why should I care?" question upfront. Avoid jargon and clearly state what you aim to achieve. If your goal is to help customers save time or money, or to enhance their enjoyment of life, make that clear from the beginning. Explain how your offering will improve their lives and reiterate this benefit to reinforce your message. Align all your marketing materials with this core message to ensure consistency. Steve Jobs' ambition was to "put a dent in the universe," signifying his desire to make a significant impact on the world through his products. This level of passion and commitment should be evident in every presentation you give, letting your audience know that your heart and soul are invested in what you're doing. Whether you're driven by a similar ambition or something entirely different, expressing your passion enthusiastically can make a profound difference in how your message is received. If you're genuinely passionate about your product, service, or cause, sharing that passion will come naturally. However, if your motivation is primarily financial, conveying genuine enthusiasm may be more challenging. Regardless, it's crucial to communicate the positive impact your product or service will have on your customers' lives with conviction and energy.

