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Bruce Judson

Go it alone

The current landscape for solo entrepreneurs is unprecedented. Advances in technology, including email, the internet, and a variety of readily available business services, have simplified the process of launching and nurturing a specialized business. When paired with a viable business concept, an individual can establish and expand their own venture. Remarkably, one can maintain a small operation yet still achieve significant profits, as technological tools allow entrepreneurs to avoid the complexities of a large corporation while sustaining their business. Working independently ensures you fully benefit from your labor. Your efforts directly translate to personal gain and satisfaction, knowing that your hard work directly contributes to your success. Recent shifts in business operations and technological advancements have made it an optimal time to start a solo business venture. - Bruce Judson

Go it alone
Go it alone

book.chapter Solo business model,

Go-it-alone entrepreneurs represent a novel category of business startups that have emerged due to the advent of necessary technological infrastructure. These entrepreneurs are distinguished by their ability to launch and operate businesses with minimal initial investment and without the need for external shareholders. This business model requires a focus on immediate customer acquisition and cash flow generation, rather than enduring prolonged periods before reaching profitability. Unlike freelancers or contract workers, whose income is limited by the hours they can work, go-it-alone entrepreneurs create systems that allow their businesses to function without their constant hands-on involvement. This enables them to maximize the value they capture from their ventures. They leverage technology and extreme outsourcing, focusing on their core competencies and delegating all other tasks to external providers, which amplifies their business impact. These businesses are highly specialized, steering clear of any work that falls outside their expertise. This specialization is facilitated by the entrepreneurs' readiness to outsource any task that can be done more cost-effectively by others. The operational model of go-it-alone businesses is based on "relentless repeatability," where a highly repeatable and profitable growth formula is developed and can be utilized by others. Many go-it-alone entrepreneurs find inspiration for their businesses in solutions to common problems they've encountered personally or through friends. Examples include Mr. Trademark, founded by Joe Stahl to address copyright issues he faced, and Speed Anywhere Inc. and Health Plans Today, both started by Bruce Judson, which quickly became major players in their respective markets with minimal staffing. The success of go-it-alone businesses often stems from incremental improvements and a focus on customer offerings. This is made possible by the entrepreneurs' ability to work on their business rather than getting bogged down in day-to-day operations. The proliferation of professional services that can be delivered electronically worldwide has also fueled the go-it-alone phenomenon. Application service providers (ASPs) play a crucial role by offering cost-effective, on-demand business services that can be seamlessly integrated into the entrepreneurs' offerings, making it difficult for customers to distinguish between what is provided in-house and what is outsourced. ASPs are particularly beneficial for small businesses, offering specialized services at unbeatable costs and scalable solutions that negate the need for expensive infrastructure. This allows go-it-alone businesses to concentrate on building customer relationships rather than infrastructure. The rapid advancement of ASPs means that they are continually improving their services, often surpassing the needs of the businesses they serve within a short time frame. Bruce Judson believes that we are at the dawn of a new era of specialization that may rival the impact of Henry Ford's creation of the automobile. He emphasizes that go-it-alone businesses, though small in employee numbers, are designed to generate substantial financial returns and have a significant impact on the business world. The transformation since the early 1990s in the potential for individuals to influence business is a remarkable shift in what is possible, with many go-it-alone businesses that could not have existed before now having significant potential.

