Success follows predictable principles, not chance. By understanding and applying universal truths that have stood the test of time, you increase your odds of achievement. Organize your life around proven cause and effect relationships between goals and results. Take control, don't leave your future to randomness. Follow the path of those before you who organized their lives around timeless principles. Accelerate your growth by applying these truths deliberately. Leave nothing to chance in your journey of self-mastery. Shape your destiny by living these principles.
Success in life hinges on harnessing mental capacities and directing them towards desired goals. Every person possesses the potential to achieve extraordinary things if their mental faculties are properly focused. By applying certain universal mental laws, an individual can create the reality they conceive in their mind. The Law of Cause and Effect states that thoughts are the causes behind the conditions that manifest as effects. To change one's world, one must change their dominant mental patterns. The Law of Attraction holds that people draw into their lives whatever resonates with their habitual thoughts. To be successful, one must fill their mind with positive visions. The Law of Belief asserts that whatever an individual believes with conviction becomes their reality. The Law of the Mind states that consistent thoughts produce corresponding external conditions. The Law of Expectations proposes that confident expectations become self-fulfilling prophecies. The Law of Subconscious Activity holds that any conscious thought is automatically accepted by the subconscious mind as an order to be fulfilled. The Law of Correspondence states that one's outer experience reflects their inner world of thought. These principles are summed up in the Law of Mental Equivalence, which says that one's external world corresponds to what has been created first in their mind. To achieve extraordinary goals, one must control the ideas fed into the subconscious mind. As Henry Ford said, “If you believe you can do a thing, or you believe you cannot, in either case, you are probably right.”