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Brendon Burchard

High performance habits

To reach high levels of performance, adopt six key habits: Seek clarity on your goals and priorities. Generate energy through proper rest, nutrition and relationships. Raise necessity by attaching your identity to excellence. Increase productivity by focusing on your most important tasks. Develop influence by serving others. Demonstrate courage in the face of fear. These six habits separate the great from the average. They require continual practice across all areas of life. Success comes not from strengths or talent alone, but from forming the habits that enrich your life and allow you to excel. With the right habits, anyone can dramatically increase results to become a high performer. Measure your progress to ensure you are deploying these habits consistently. Though difficult, making these habits automatic will open the door when opportunity knocks.

High performance habits
High performance habits

book.chapter Habit #1 - define purpose.

High performers distinguish themselves not just by their achievements but by their deep understanding of who they are, what they desire, and what gives their lives meaning. This clarity doesn't come overnight but is the result of ongoing reflection and thoughtful questioning, a process that helps refine their perspectives and goals. To embed the habit of clarity, high performers engage in several practices. They start by envisioning their future daily, setting intentions that cover various aspects of their lives. They think about who they want to become and identify the improvements needed to get there, understanding that becoming a better version of oneself is a continuous journey. They also consider how they want to interact with others, recognizing the importance of situational awareness and anticipating social interactions to foster positive relationships. Identifying and developing the skills necessary for future success is another area of focus, as is contemplating how to make a difference and serve with excellence, aiming to leave a meaningful legacy behind. High performers are also intentional about the feelings they want to generate or experience in different situations, choosing to actively cultivate desired emotions rather than being swayed by random ones. They take the time to define what is personally meaningful to them, aligning their goals with their values to fuel their energy and enthusiasm. This alignment ensures that their efforts are not just busywork but are connected to their life's work, providing a sense of enthusiasm, connection, satisfaction, and coherence. To maintain this clarity, high performers prepare a weekly "Clarity Chart," a tool that helps them focus on what truly matters. This involves using planning tools that offer deep self-knowledge, following positive emotions to recognize meaningful patterns, and seeking training and education to develop necessary skills. Regular reflection and scoring help build clarity over time, reinforcing the importance of seeking clarity not just at the beginning of their journey but throughout their efforts. Being specific about their identity and goals helps high performers generate vibrancy in their actions, aligning their efforts with their passions and meanings to sustain their energy and commitment. Like excellence, clarity is a habit formed through consistent and right actions, a cornerstone of high performance that brings confidence and success.

