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Bill Jensen

Disrupt think epic be epic

The pace of technological change brings continuous disruption. To excel, focus less on external changes and more on developing helpful personal habits. Studies show nearly half our daily actions are habit-driven. Integrate positive habits like embracing lifelong learning, collaborating across industries, and leading with adaptability. Hone skills to pivot strategies amid disruption. Channel a growth mindset - see possibilities, then carve an innovative path forward. Success lies in figuring out how to benefit from disorder, not resisting change. The future belongs to those who turn disruption into opportunity.

Disrupt think epic be epic
Disrupt think epic be epic

book.chapter The do's - excel despite disruption

Question everything Success often stems from challenging the status quo and exploring new methods. Accepting things as they are without seeking alternatives can limit potential. By questioning our definitions of success and considering how we can approach challenges differently, we open ourselves to new opportunities. Many practices are based on outdated norms, and with rapid technological advancements, it's crucial to reassess these in light of current capabilities. In this era of disruption, innovation is key to improving efficiency. Embracing change and integrating new advancements can lead to smarter systems and better ways of operating, moving beyond traditional methods to adapt to today's dynamic environment. Be bold Being daring with your perspectives and convictions involves embracing audacity, especially in a turbulent world where significant changes, rather than minor enhancements, are essential. Audacity is about having the courage to put forth bold ideas that can fundamentally alter the status quo. It's about finding something deeply meaningful on a personal level and allowing yourself to dream big. In practice, being audacious means being fearless and aggressive in a positive way, reminiscent of the determination seen in childhood pursuits. Bill Jensen encapsulates this sentiment by urging us to be bold and aggressive, but to channel that energy into making a difference. He reminds us that the only barriers to reclaiming this innate audacity are the excuses we've accumulated over time, which we must learn to discard. Kill cherished items When starting a new project, approach it as temporary and expect it to become outdated. Embrace change and constant iteration as part of the process. Regularly re-evaluate and improve upon your ideas, and discuss emerging concepts with colleagues. However, the key is to act swiftly to stay ahead of the competition. Incorporate rapid prototyping to foster continuous improvement and accept the fleeting nature of ideas to reduce resistance to innovation. Assume the role of Chief of Obsolescence, always looking for the next improvement. As Priya Parker noted, quick adaptation and the willingness to discard non-essential elements lead to success. Being decisive and ready to let go of the unnecessary in favor of the core mission is crucial for progress. Create epic things In the digital age, industries are constantly disrupted by new technologies, offering vast opportunities for those ready to innovate. Success hinges on identifying unmet market needs and leveraging technology to create superior solutions. As objects become interconnected and data-enriched, traditional products and services can be reinvented for greater efficiency and impact. Mastering the art of spotting and addressing these needs can lead to market-dominating innovations. A bold mindset is essential, one that envisions solving significant problems and driving transformative change. Individuals with the courage to innovate can significantly enhance industries and lives, making this an era that favors visionary thinkers with the tenacity to execute world-class offerings. Destroy your stuff In today's dynamic world, success hinges on continuous improvement and innovation. Lisa Gansky highlights the stark divide between those who anticipate the future and those stuck in the past. Bill Jensen suggests that disrupting old methods is now essential in everyone's role. Initially, such challenges to the norm may seem outlandish, but as Buckminster Fuller advised, creating a superior model renders the old one obsolete. By thinking strategically, leveraging technology, and possessing the drive to disrupt, one can transcend traditional limitations. Imagination and a rebellious spirit are the true boundaries to making existing models irrelevant and achieving success. Master triage Triage, the skill of making quick decisions with limited information, is crucial for gaining a competitive edge in today's fast-paced world. It involves scanning for opportunities, identifying viable options, making a decision, executing the plan, and continuously reassessing. This skill not only helps in navigating disruptions but also in managing careers effectively. Triage enhances abilities such as analyzing, prioritizing, and adapting to change, making it a foundational skill for building other competencies. Leaders like Tim Rowe emphasize the importance of pivoting when plans fail, while Bill Jensen suggests that triage now underpins all other skills, urging individuals to proactively improve their triage abilities to excel in uncertain environments. Make messes In today's disruptive economy, rapid experimentation and embracing failure are crucial for innovation. High achievers venture beyond their comfort zones, testing new ideas and retaining only what succeeds. This approach of failing fast accelerates learning, fostering the creation of superior solutions. By undertaking risky projects and learning from failures, individuals and teams can drive radical innovation. Effective leaders foster cultures that value failure as a stepping stone to breakthroughs, encouraging a cycle of fast iterations over perfection. This mindset is essential for staying relevant and catalyzing significant social change in the complex digital landscape. Just do it anyway In today's fast-paced business world, seizing opportunities often means taking risks and innovating without waiting for approval. Caterina Fake of Flickr highlights the importance of a "rogue" mentality to embrace change within large organizations. Breaking protocol can be necessary for those passionate about driving progress. In an era where traditional boundaries are blurred, success depends on individuals willing to take responsibility, trust their instincts, and collaborate with like-minded colleagues to leverage the potential of disruption. The path to making a difference lies in courage and personal accountability, moving beyond excuses and embracing the possibilities that change brings. Accelerate In today's fast-paced world, overcoming self-imposed obstacles like perfectionism and fear of failure is crucial for accelerating productivity. Successful disruptors challenge conventions to gain an edge. For example, in the athletic shoe industry, a disruptive approach could be in-store manufacturing machines that produce customized shoes in 10 minutes, offering better fit and cost efficiencies. This model contrasts with the traditional mass production in distant factories. To achieve such innovative solutions, we must look beyond dominant paradigms and question traditional norms, embracing a future defined by the boldness of our vision rather than constraints. Leap before ready In a world where traditional safety nets are unreliable, it's essential to take initiative. Embrace risk-taking, guided by your heart and instincts, and focus on personal growth as your measure of success. As you pursue your unique vision, learn from each step and adjust your path accordingly. Your true security comes from within and from those who support your journey. By adopting this approach, you can navigate through uncertainty, leaving behind outdated practices to explore new opportunities. Success lies in the continuous cycle of leaping, learning, and leveraging your inner resilience and supportive relationships to flourish in a constantly evolving environment. Simplify repeatedly Reducing complexity boosts productivity and cuts costs. Make it your job to simplify everything you do instead of waiting to be told. First, communicate ideas clearly and understandably to set the stage for simplification. Next, push back on creeping complexity that adds no value or find workarounds. For example, ignore silly bureaucratic stuff that hampers progress. Also, put yourself in the other person's shoes and ask if you made their job easier or harder. Deliver great solutions that exceed expectations, then keep improving. Stay attuned to people's real needs and wants. With this mindset of constant simplification and empathy, you can progress rather than become stymied. Simplifying things stands out and enables you to accomplish more daily. But simplicity takes deliberate effort, so make it an ingrained habit. Have side business In today's volatile job market, cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is crucial for career resilience. Rather than waiting for the perfect moment, take initiative now. Start a small business or side project, prioritizing personal growth and societal impact over immediate profits. Understanding cash flow is essential. Entrepreneurship can be a profound learning experience, potentially more educational than years of traditional employment. If full-time entrepreneurship seems daunting, consider a blended approach, keeping your day job while exploring side ventures. This strategy may even lead to investment opportunities with your employer. Ultimately, your skills and ideas are your most reliable assets, so reduce dependence on a regular paycheck and start leveraging those assets today. Revisit the future Guidance from two mentors with vastly different life experiences offers valuable, complementary insights. A younger mentor encourages breaking conventions and taking smart risks, while an older mentor provides battle-tested wisdom to avoid past pitfalls. Integrating their perspectives can reveal new possibilities, combining the young mentor's digital-native team-building skills with the elder's risk-averse wisdom. This approach stretches your thinking, helping you map out plans with a balance of daring and caution. Showing gratitude through achievements that make them proud, their diverse views can broaden your horizons, illuminating options and guiding your decisions on the journey ahead. Make a difference In a world grappling with numerous challenges, finding and dedicating oneself to a meaningful cause can be a source of fulfillment. Embracing the role of making a positive difference is crucial for happiness in a disruptive era. By committing to causes beyond personal gain, individuals can discover purpose. While hard work and prosperity are commendable, addressing global issues like inequality requires more from us. Focusing on closing the gaps between privilege and poverty, questioning extreme individualism, and initiating social projects can drive progressive reform. This approach, though possibly not lucrative, offers personal satisfaction and contributes to uplifting humanity, underscoring the importance of grassroots efforts in effecting change.

