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The road ahead

The emerging digital technologies promise to revolutionize life worldwide by enhancing quality of life and eliminating unneeded intermediaries. Over the next decade, as the information economy matures, technology will transform how business is conducted, work is done, education happens, and people communicate. Digital advancements will provide affordable access to information for all. By removing middlemen who add no value, efficiency improves. The global information infrastructure holds immense potential to empower individuals and enrich societies. Technology progression aims to boost productivity, understanding, and connections between people regardless of geography. The possibilities to uplift humanity through information sharing are boundless. Access for all combined with removing waste promises greater prosperity.

The road ahead
The road ahead

book.chapter The information revolution

The vision of connecting every home and office to a high-speed network, enabling access to vast information, is a goal shared by countless companies and governments worldwide. This ambition, often symbolized by the "information superhighway" metaphor, initially promoted by Al Gore, aims to revolutionize international business and commerce through the free global exchange of information. However, the metaphor might be less apt than likening this to a vast global marketplace, much like an enormous department store or stock exchange, where information is the primary currency. This digital marketplace will impact every aspect of human life, offering unprecedented choices. The transformation anticipated is akin to the cultural shift following Gutenberg's printing press, signaling a profound change in global culture that will unfold over decades. Microsoft's journey, led by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, from a small startup to a tech giant, underscores the importance of software in an era where computing costs plummet. Today, the pivotal question is the impact of nearly free communication on the global digital economy. The integration of global information networks will fundamentally alter society, making traditional methods, like classroom learning, obsolete, and reshaping the job market and power dynamics. As we stand on the brink of a knowledge revolution, understanding and adapting to these changes will be crucial for future success.

