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Bill Aulet

Disciplined entrepreneurship

Contrary to "birther" theories, entrepreneurship can be taught. There are structured steps and repeatable processes for building a successful startup. Skills like people management, sales, and product development can all be learned. With the right roadmap, anyone can adapt behaviors to increase their odds of startup success. This is evidenced by MIT's track record of alumni commercializing ideas and technologies into companies that collectively employ millions and generate trillions in revenue. Rather than personality traits or genetics, it is a combination of entrepreneurial spirit and acquired skills that explains MIT's ongoing startup success. By learning and following proven startup methodologies, one can increase their chances of building something great.

Disciplined entrepreneurship
Disciplined entrepreneurship

book.chapter Market segmentation

To successfully launch a new product or service, start by exploring all potential uses and applications, then focus on specific niches where it solves real problems. Engage in thorough market research, directly interacting with potential users to understand their needs, and be willing to adjust your product accordingly. Avoid the allure of broad markets without clear customer bases; instead, identify an underserved beachhead market to prove your product's value. Achieving sales in this niche validates your business and provides a foundation for growth. By solving key issues for a small customer group and incorporating their feedback, you establish a strong market presence, enabling expansion into related areas through organic growth.

