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Bertrand Cesvet & Eric Alper

Conversational capital

Conversational capital is the strategic art of creating positive word-of-mouth endorsements by infusing ordinary products and services with elements that transform them into experiences consumers love and share. It's the ultimate goal for businesses aiming for leadership, as brands with high conversational capital consistently outperform those without. This capital becomes particularly powerful when consumers incorporate a brand into their personal narratives, leading to significant outcomes, especially in today's media landscape where traditional mass communication is losing its effectiveness and consumers are increasingly skeptical of top-down communication styles. Word-of-mouth is a potent currency that can be managed to increase a brand's value. Despite its organic and democratic nature, which can seem unpredictable to marketers, positive word-of-mouth occurs when key factors, referred to as the engines of conversational capital, are present in a brand story. By recognizing and properly managing these engines, conversational capital can be transformed into a toolbox that builds value into your product or service. This approach is more genuine and authoritative than paid advertising, as consumers respond better to horizontal (peer-to-peer) messages or those that emerge from the bottom up.

Conversational capital
Conversational capital

book.chapter 1-understanding conversational capital

Conversational capital is a concept that has gained traction over the years, emphasizing the value of positive discourse generated when companies provide customers with exceptional and meaningful experiences. This form of capital is created when customers, satisfied with their purchases, share their experiences with friends, family, and coworkers. Such satisfaction often stems from the product resonating with their personal values or strengthening their personal identity. The relevance of conversational capital in today's world is highlighted by several key factors: the overwhelming product choices available to consumers, time constraints leading to more discerning consumers, the increasing preference for rich and coherent customer experiences, the tendency for these experiences to be the most talked about, and the incorporation of conversational capital into better-designed products and services, leading to increased meaning and cohesion for customers. Conversational capital is distinct from buzz, which is manufactured and relies on media coverage, as it is embedded in the experience and relies on peer-to-peer endorsements. It also differs from customer advocacy by raising the stakes even higher, creating true converts to a company, product, or service. This capital is created when the customer experience becomes an integral part of the customer’s lifestyle, achieving a level of significance more resonant than advocacy. There are eight drivers of conversational capital: rituals, exclusive product offerings, myths, sensory oddities, icons, tribalism, endorsements, and continuity. For instance, Cirque du Soleil, a live circus entertainment company, effectively utilizes these drivers. They create rituals with audience interaction, offer exclusive live performances, use the sun as a founding myth, present sensory oddities in their acts, use a distinctive big top as an icon, foster tribalism by arranging their performance schedule for audience interaction, gain endorsements from celebrities and dignitaries, and maintain continuity by delivering a highly engaging experience. The company's success demonstrates the economic sense in investing in conversational capital over traditional marketing, as it directly impacts the end experience and makes the communications process an integral and continuous part of that experience. By studying the activities of category-defining brands such as Cirque du Soleil, Apple, adidas, Red Bull, IKEA, and method cleaning products, insights into generating and spreading positive word-of-mouth have been identified. These insights, termed Conversational Capital, are not limited to big brand names and international marketers but are applicable to a wide range of businesses seeking to enhance their market presence through meaningful customer engagement. The concept of Conversational Capital is built on the premise that consumption experiences are substories that consumers incorporate into their own narratives. The more intense and meaningful these substories are, the more likely they are to become part of the larger, personal story. This approach to marketing and brand development represents a shift from traditional advertising and design to a focus on creating experiences that people want to talk about. It suggests that when word-of-mouth works well, the need for traditional advertising diminishes, underscoring the power of Conversational Capital in building brand value and customer loyalty. In essence, Conversational Capital offers a toolbox that businesses can use to build value into their products or services, encouraging organic, peer-to-peer conversations about their brand. This approach to marketing acknowledges the changing landscape of consumer behavior and the increasing importance of meaningful, experience-based interactions in building successful brands.

