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Alec Ross

The industries of the future

Information technology, healthcare, business services, leisure and hospitality, construction, and finance. The information technology industry is expected to see strong continued growth over the next decade, with increasing demand for computing infrastructure, IT security, software development, and other tech services. Healthcare will also see major expansion, driven by the aging population and advances in treatments. Business services like consulting and administrative support are forecast to grow steadily as companies increasingly outsource non-core functions. The leisure and hospitality industry should benefit from rising incomes and leisure time globally. Construction is predicted to be robust across sectors like infrastructure, commercial real estate, and housing. And finance is seen as a growth area in emerging markets especially. Overall these industries are poised to thrive thanks to powerful demographic shifts, urbanization, and the continuing spread of digital technologies across the economy. While unpredictable events or black swan disruptions could alter the landscape, the underlying trends point to these six sectors leading growth over the coming decades.

The industries of the future
The industries of the future

book.chapter Automation assistants

As the global population ages, the demand for elderly care is set to increase dramatically, pushing societies worldwide towards a future where robotics and automation play a central role in caregiving. Japan, a pioneer in the automation of manufacturing, is now leading the charge in developing advanced caregiving robots to support its aging population. The country faces a projected shortfall of 4 million eldercare nurses by 2025, a gap that cannot be filled by human labor alone. Robotics presents a viable solution to this challenge. Alongside Japan, China, the United States, South Korea, and Germany are at the forefront of robotics innovation. In 2013, the Japanese government allocated $24.6 million to support the development of robots capable of assisting with mobility and household tasks. Major companies like Toyota and Honda are already testing prototype robots designed to lift patients and perform household chores, while also providing entertainment. The acceptance of robots varies globally, with more positive attitudes observed in countries leading in robotics compared to regions like Europe, where automation is often met with skepticism. In Africa, an emerging robotics network aims to bypass traditional industrial infrastructure by introducing affordable robots to enhance education, research, and industry, mirroring the leap from landlines to cellular technology. Recent advancements in algorithms, situational modeling, and cloud connectivity have enabled the creation of more sophisticated robots capable of performing complex tasks in real-world settings. These robots are not only more aware of their environment but can also access vast databases for improved cognitive functions. Material science breakthroughs have led to robots that are more human-like in appearance, moving away from the metallic designs of the past. Innovations include the development of nanorobots for medical diagnostics and treatment, as well as large-scale animatronics for entertainment. The concept of "singularity" — the point at which artificial intelligence could surpass human intelligence — remains a topic of debate. While some view it as a potential source of prosperity, others fear it could lead to negative outcomes. The timeline for achieving singularity is uncertain, with predictions ranging from 2023 to 2050. Despite these uncertainties, robots are expected to increasingly assume roles currently filled by humans, transforming industries such as transportation, healthcare, education, and manual labor. This shift offers numerous benefits but also presents challenges as displaced workers seek new opportunities. The successful integration of robotics and automation into society will require thoughtful governance and active participation from all citizens to ensure a future that enhances rather than diminishes human life.

